Ignite Raleigh 3 Speaker Proposals
Welcome to the official Ignite Raleigh 3 presentation submission site
What are you passionate about… what do you geek out on…. what do you want to share with the world?
Submit your Ignite talk today. Consider adding a link to a short video pitch of your talk (under 1 minute), so that the community can get a better sense of your presentation style.
What is Ignite? It’s a series of speedy presentations, a sort of geek variety show. The speaker format is 20 slides, slides auto-rotated each 15 seconds. If you had only 5 minutes on stage, what would you say? Hack the format. Make it interesting. Perhaps forget the boring bullets. Tell your story visually.
Check out presentation videos from past Ignite Raleigh, Durham and other Ignite shows on YouTube. Ignite events now play in over 100 cities on 5 continents. Ignite Raleigh 2 was the largest Ignite show in the world to date. Be a part of this global creative phenomenon.
Speakers, create your talk about a topic you are passionate about… share a part of your life that isn’t part of the day job. There are no sales pitches allowed. This is about expertise, education, humanities, science, arts, geekdom, entertainment…. the nuance of something.
14 speakers will be selected based on voting and organizing committee consideration. Voting closes on February 9th at 12:01am. Each person has 20 votes for their favorite topics. Cheating will not be tolerated and our system detects voting irregularity and duplication.
Get Your Tickets For Ignite Raleigh 3 NOW!
Enlighten us, but make it quick.
Fire it up!!
Ignite Raleigh 3 will be held February 16th at the Lincoln Theatre. The event is free, but has a charity component, BandTogether.
14 results found
The Special Snowflakes Strike Back
Entitled. Narcissistic. Lazy. Coddled. Generation "Me". These words and many more have been used to describe Generation Y. But are we ALL really that bad? Or are we the result of expectations gone wrong? Hear from a real live millennial who is looking to quash this stereotype without using childhood participation ribbons or her parents' money.
288 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
So it turns out I have super powers (and so do you)
A year ago I found out I could melt steel with my heat vision and shoot radioactive cheese whiz from my wrists. I also started wearing a lot of spandex. Well, ok, maybe I don't have those kinds of super powers but I've been discovering that I've got a lot more hero potential than I used to think, and I think you do to. Gimme five minutes and I'll tell you a tale of superheroes, edible code, the 99%, fire breathing unicorns and salad. It's a story about something called Benefacting, and how it got started. It's also a story…
284 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
7 Reasons Why Writers Are A-Holes
Satirists, poets, novelists, journalists -- just go ahead and call us "jerks." Some of history's greatest wordsmiths have been drunkards, womanizers, recluses, and misanthropes. Yet, without us, you'd still be communicating with grunts, growls, and weird scribbles in the dirt. (Maybe you do anyway.) So what gives? What's the connection between words and whining, and how can you shut us up long enough to get us to actually write something? I grudgingly give you some answers. You're WELCOME.
260 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Sliders and Sam Adams
Three years ago, I walked away from everything I knew and came to Raleigh. It all started while playing bingo. Eating sliders and sharing a pitcher of Sam Adams. This is all about what i learned, lost and changing fear into a motivator. 20 slides in 5 minutes might not be enough, but it's something I've wanted to share.
231 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Playing Nice In the Sandbox: The Triangle, Silicon Valley, Bombay and Beijing
The Triangle is one of the best places on earth. Raleigh was recently named America's Best City. Downtown Durham is emerging as a start-up force to be reckoned with. Chapel Hill is home to the nation's oldest public university.
That's all great, but all of that is at risk if we don't play nice in the sandbox.
You'll have to vote and come to Ignite to hear the rest...
228 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Be memorable: What I learned from mixing Manhattans at 106 mph
Picking up 1,100 pounds of ice, ejecting a stowaway District Attorney, and shining shoes in your sleep — it's all part of my job as a volunteer bartender on a 1930s Pullman railroad car. Vote for me today and you'll learn how to be an architect of memorable experiences on February 16th.
220 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Today's Teen: Friend, Foe or Antichrist?
Adolescence. We’ve all been there, and our parents have the gray hair, ulcers and old restraining orders to prove it. So why are we surprised when our own teenage kids turn out to be just as demonic as we were? (Actually, let’s go ahead and agree that they’re worse.) This speech will give you a helpful new paradigm through which to view those little monsters – er, miracles – and in the process, hopefully create some peace between generations. That will free us up to then tackle easier problems, like peace in the Middle East.
195 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Infinity in 5 minutes
Back in 1874, a math professor named Georg Cantor suggested that infinity might be more than just a really big number, and what he had to say was so freaky that it got him officially kicked out of the International Association of Really Smart Math People, and also contributed to his bouts with chronic depression and mental illness. Come find out what got all those 19th century math geeks so upset.
173 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Fuzzy quantum pop
What do fuzzy logic, quantum physics, and Pop art have in common?
Hint: The Situationist philosophers grokked it. Here is my video homage to their concept of Drift: http://bit.ly/A0WTrA
Allow me to elaborate?
Vote 'Fuzzy quantum pop'!
170 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Fringe Sports and Odd Pursuits
Football, Basketball, Baseball... seriously aren't you ready to try something new? There are a number of fun and quirky sports and recreational activities in the Triangle. I know, 'cause I've tried 'em. Let me introduce you to Steampunk Balls, Dragonboats, Shinty, Roller Derby and more.
150 votesOfficial selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
11 Things You Should Know About Raleigh
Raleigh is a growing city that brings new people in everyday. Some people move here after reading about us being "The Best Place" on a list. These lists have some good information but what what should new residents know about the City of Oaks? These 11 observations will help them quickly understand why Raleigh is the best place to live in the USA!
141 votesOrganizer selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Lifestyle Design, and The Currency of the New Rich
Do you live to work, or work to live? Do you have the time, inspiration, and energy to follow your passions, live your wildest dreams? Are you excited to wake up in the morning, or does your life look more like the movie 'Groundhog Day'?
If you want a good kick in the pants, this talk is for you! I'm talking about an unconventional way of living, prioritizing time and freedom above all else - a lifestyle that you can have!
Learn about the currency of the "new rich". How do lifestyle designers travel the world, explore their hobbies, get…
61 votesOrganizer selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Changing the way we think about money
The way we pay for things has gradually evolved over the course of history. Now, however, we are in a period of incredible change. This presents us with the opportunity to embrace new ideas and new technology, as well as some challenging decisions about phasing out dated parts of our monetary system. Join me for a glimpse at the possibilities, and an opinionated look at what should become obsolete in the next decade.
57 votesOrganizer selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
I want to hold your hand
Tales of handshakes from my travels around the world, and 7 tips for using your hands to build community.
47 votesOrganizer selection for Ignite Raleigh 3