Be memorable: What I learned from mixing Manhattans at 106 mph
Picking up 1,100 pounds of ice, ejecting a stowaway District Attorney, and shining shoes in your sleep — it's all part of my job as a volunteer bartender on a 1930s Pullman railroad car. Vote for me today and you'll learn how to be an architect of memorable experiences on February 16th.
Official selection for Ignite Raleigh 3
Karl Sakas commented
For a recap (including the slides), please visit my website:
Terence commented
Congrats! Will there be a podcast or MP3 version for Garden Staters?
Karl Sakas commented
Thanks for your votes — I'm looking forward to sharing with everyone on 2/16! Get your free tickets here:
Anonymous commented
There is no more enjoyable experience available today!
Mike Dickerson commented
Great ideas, Karl! Can't wait to hear the outcome!
Karl Sakas commented
As we get into the home stretch, thanks for your feedback and votes!
Terence, people will have to imagine their own jazz, as I don't play an instrument — my three months of piano lessons when I was 8 don't quite count...
Anonymous commented
A fantastic idea, and will be a dynamic presentation.
Terence commented
Do you play 20s jazz on board?
Bob&Karen commented
Sounds like fun - want to know more!
Anonymous commented
Karl Sakas commented
Tom and Brian, thanks for your support! I have a couple photos of the train in Raleigh — I'll try to work them into my talk.
Brian McDonald commented
Trains rock! Great topic Karl!
Tom Simon commented
Looking forward to seeing this!
Karl Sakas commented
@Brad — Thanks for your support!
@Brian — Glad it caught your attention! There once were 8,000 Pullman railroad cars running across the country. The "Dover Harbor" is one of the last ones left.
@Charlotte — If only I had Garrison Keillor's baritone... Thanks for your support!
Charlotte Moore commented
For some reason, this is the sort of thing I'd expect to encounter on A Prairie Home Companion. Sounds like a fascinating story! Can't wait to hear it.
Brian Lee commented
I can't put my finger on why, but this one just seemed to grab my attention. Looking forward to seeing if this comes together.
Brad Bednar commented
Love it!